Pernia (Gailey) Jones

Pernia Gailey married C.F. Jones. The two had several children including: Geraldine, Maxine, J.C., Bobby, Kenneth, and Lloyd. C.F.'s mother married J.W. Gailey when his first wife Mary passed away.

Pernia and C.F. Jones at their store in Ranger, TX.(Early 1960's)

Pernia Gailey Jones and sister Letha Gailey Ivy

Octie Guest Gailey, Pernia Gailey Jones, Letha Gailey Ivy, and Dovie Gailey Hunt

Letha, Nora, Cordie, and Pernia - 1955

Geraldine "Jones" Norwood, Lloyd and Barbara Jones, Shelly Hunt, and Judy Hunt.

Website Created and Maintained By Shanon Hunt.
If you are related or have questions about the J.W. Gailey family email us at