Gailey Family Group Photos

Front L-R: Nick , Cordie, and Pernia Gailey; Second L-R: Nora Gailey Jackson (Sitting holding Ernest), Great Aunt Margaret Goens (older lady sister of Mary Bigham Gailey's father),
Mary Ann Ada Bigham Gailey (sitting holding Eva Eula); Third L-R: Willie Jackon, Letha Gailey, Unknown Female, Jessie Johnson (Cousin og Mary Bigham Gailey),
Mary Jane Gailey; Back L-R:Luther Elmer Gailey, John William ("JW") Gailey, Loddy Gailey.

Top Row Left to Right: Bob Ivey, Pearl Harding (or Nora Gailey), Letha Gailey, Loddy Gailey
Bottom Row: Mary Jane Gailey, Luther Gailey, Annie Harding (or Pernia Gailey)
Note: Pearl and Annie were labled in the photos but they resemble Nora and Pernia and one or both may be.
(Photo provided by Eva Louise "Fry" Stork)

JW Gailey's Children: Left to right standing: Eva, Cordie, Nicholas, Loddy, Luther, Letha, Nora, Mary, and Pernia. Seated in wagon are
JW Jr and Asa Lee Gailey. Also pictured standing on bottom right is Celeston Jackson.
This photo includes on the back and middle rows left to right: Willie and Nora Jackson (Holding Chrystal),Loddy Gailey, Letha Gailey, C.F. Jones, and Luther and Ocite Gailey. Front Row: Leora Moore Gailey (sitting holding Asa Lee Gailey) and John William ("JW") Gailey (sitting holding JW Gailey Jr), and Elmer and Audie Gailey.
 At Bert M. Fry Funeral 1954 - San Angelo, TX - Standing Left to Right:
Octie Guest Gailey, Bob Ivey, Letha Gailey Ivey, Selma Gailey, Nick Gailey, Pernia Gailey Jones, C.F. Jones.
Sitting: Siblings Eva Louise and MC Fry (Eva Louise "Fry" Stork Photo)
Children of JW Gailey - Reunion South of Thurber - Front L-R: Selma Gailey, Letha Gailey Ivy, Bob Ivy, Cordie Gailey Lee, Dee Abel Lee, CF Jones
Middle L-R: Nick Gailey, Ocite Guest Gailey Gregory, Ed Gregory, Willie Jackson, Nora Gailey Jackson, Pernia Gailey Jones
Back Row: Loddy and Carrie Gailey
 Family Group on Tudor Road when Elmer Gailey left for WWII.