Nicholas Clayton Gailey

Nicholas "Nick" Gailey was born March 26, 1900 to J.W. and Mary Gailey in Eastland County. He married Selma Ryhne and the two had several children, all names starting with the letter "B". Nicholas was a lifelong rancher and died on September 17, 1960 on his ranch in Eastland County.

Nicholas "Nick" Gailey - ca 1925

Selma and Nick (mid 1950's)

Nick and Selma Gailey (MC Fry Family Photo)

Children of Nicholas Gailey and Selma Rhyne: Left to Right: Beverly, Byron, Bobby, Barbara, Betty Fawn, Billy, and Benny (being held).

Betty Fawn Gailey, Cordie Gailey Lee, and Billy Gailey (Merkel, TX) (MC and Edna Fry Photo)

Left to Right: Ernest Jackson, Eva Gailey, and Nick Gailey

Selma and one of her children. Photo was taken around 1936 or 1937.

Nick, Pernia, and Octie

Nick Gailey Obituary - Sept 18, 1960

Website Created and Maintained By Shanon Hunt.
If you are related or have questions about the J.W. Gailey family email us at