Eva Eula (Gailey) Fry
Eva Eula Gailey was the youngest child of J.W. Gailey and Mary A.A. Bigham. She was born January 6, 1903 in Eastland County, Texas.
She was raised by her older sister Mary, as their mother died when Eva was an infant. Eva married Bert Monroe Fry and they had two children
together, M.C. and Eva Louise. Eva Eula died on August 6, 1930 in Tom Green County, Texas due to childbirth complications. Most photos on this page are courtesy of the MC Fry family.
 Eva Eula Gailey
Eva Eula Gailey
Left to Right: Ernest Jackson (son of Nora and Willie), Eva Gailey, and Nick Gailey
 Eva on the right
 Unknown house and men - Photo was in possesion of Eva
 M.C. Fry as a baby.
 M.C. Fry as a baby.
 Eva and MC and a brand new 1926 Ford Model T Runabout roadster
 Eva and MC
 M.C. In New Zeland
 Bert M. Fry holding Eva Louise and MC is sitting next to them.
 MC Fry in the yard of Mary Gailey Eubank with 2 unknown children
 Eva Louise Fry (Eva Louise Fry Photo)
 Eva Gailey Fry headstone in San Angelo